First steps after separation – some practical considerations

The breakdown of a relationship, whether by choice or circumstance, can be complex and challenging. In Australia, the Family Law Act 1975 sets out the legal framework for divorce, the division of property and parenting arrangements after a relationship breaks down. An...

Affordable break-ups – the sensible approach to dividing property

If you have recently separated, one of the concerns you will probably have is the size of your legal bill after your property matters are sorted. Below are our top tips for keeping your family law property costs down without skimping on sound legal advice. Tip 1 – do...

Family Law Reform – What You Need to Know

The Australian Parliament has recently passed significant changes to the Australian family law system aimed at ensuring that the best interests of children are at the centre of all parenting decisions. These amendments aim to foster a more efficient, equitable, and...

Family law and cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency consists of encrypted digital forms of currency not distributed by banks. It also goes by the name of ‘cryptocurrency’. A popular example of a cryptocurrency is Bitcoin. As cryptocurrencies become more commonly used around the world, so too will their...